VBS Registration

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Join us for our 2021 VBS, Concrete and Cranes! As kids explore a world of concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes, they will learn to build their faith on Jesus as they uncover the truth that He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion.

Children that are 2 years old through those who just finished 5th grade are welcome to join us!

We will begin with a kickoff on Sunday afternoon where children and their families are invited to join us for a time of fun, games, and food! This will also be a time for any families to register their children if they haven't done so already.

During VBS children will worship God, learn about Jesus, make crafts, eat snacks, play games and more! VBS will be from Monday to Friday, with Friday being a little bit longer than the rest of the days so that children can share with their families what they have learned throughout the week. 

Date & Time
Registration and Kickoff // July 11 // 3-6pm
VBS // July 12-15 // 6-8pm
VBS and Send off // July 16 // 6-8:30pm

Safety and Security 
Safety is a high priority for us at Elon Baptist Church.

Children will not be alone, and will always have a minimum of 2 volunteers with them at all times. 

When children are dropped off, they will recieve a nametag and their parent or family member will also recieve a corresponding tag. This ensures that each child can only be picked up by their family member.

We also ask that any child with covid-like symptoms refrains from coming to VBS.
Parent / Guardian Information

Child Information

Please select one option.
Permission / Liability

By checking this box, I hereby am giving permission for my child to attend VBS at Elon Baptist Church, along with all of the activities therein. I understand that the leaders and volunteers will make every effort for my child’s safety. However, I understand that accidents do occur, and in the event of an emergency, every effort will be made to contact me. I also grant permission for a staff member, leader, or volunteer, to obtain necessary emergency medical attention in case of sickness or injury to my child as provided by the loco parentis clause of Virginia Code 54.1-2969.

I, the undersigned parent/guardian of said child, do hereby release, acquit, discharge, and covenant to hold harmless and indemnify Elon Baptist Church or affiliate for any and all claims, demands, damages, injuries, costs, suits, or causes of action, past, present, or future arising out of any accident or sickness, or treatment thereof, by me or my child while participating in any Elon Baptist Church or affiliate program, event, or activity.

I, the undersigned parent/guardian of said child, do hereby waive and release, indemnify, hold harmless and forever discharge Elon Baptist Church and any affiliate and their agents, employees, and volunteers from any and all claims, expenses, demands, actions or causes of action, lawsuits, damages and liabilities, of every kind or in any way related to my participation and/or the participation of my child in any events, and/or any other activities related to Elon Baptist Church, provided that this waiver of liability does not apply to any acts of gross negligence, or intentional, willful, or wanton misconduct.

I also understand that as a participant, my child may be photographed or videotaped during normal ministry or event activities and these photos/videos may be used in promotional materials, and I hereby grant Elon Baptist Church and its photographers/videographers permission to do so.

Please select all that apply.


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